Wednesday, November 12, 2008

California Drops/NYC Drips

Inspired by the California paint of a few days ago, here is some more California paint sent in by SJW, a personal hero of mine.

I guess paint just bubbles up out of the ground in the Bay Area, because those Californians have a complete disregard for the stuff. Maybe paint was much cheaper back when oil was seven cents a barrel. And just how is it that your gaze doesn't slide off the edges of these viscous-y masses? It is probably all of those strong, contrapuntal diagonals. This one is from a show of 60's paintings by Roland Peterson at Hackett Friedman in SF, CA. It is called Autumn Picnic, 1961

For NYC drips you might want to try Chelsea. Petah Coyne is having a show at Galerie Lelong. Actually for my money I am heading to Matthew Marks for some Wintery drips, which I find more to my liking.

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